1The Challenge
In November 2018, Michael and Stacylyn Doore of Dorchester Massachusetts were noticing leaking coming into their home in a few areas. Knowing the turret/widow`s walk on the front right side of his house was a difficult repair, Michael knew an expert repair was needed. He also knew that any type of half measure would not solve the problems. In addition, he needed someone who had a high level of experience with similar Victorian homes to help with a variety of possible repairs and what the correct job scope would be to achieve a leak proof roofing area for his home. Michael called O’LYN Roofing to investigate.
2The Meeting
Michael St. Pierre, Diagnostic Team Leader at O’LYN Roofing, met with Michael and determined the leaking where the leaking and “Bermuda Triangles”, on his house were. One area of leaking was coming into their home from the right-side turret. Copper flashing around the turret where it met the roof was needed. Also, during St. Pierre’s diagnostic investigation, it was determined that the asphalt roofing and the rubber roofing were contributing to the leaking.
3The Solution
The project needed to be planned and coordinated precisely for a perfect outcome. The weather had to be right, and the home owners needed to coordinate with their HVAC company. Unfortunately, the condenser is located right where O’LYN Roofing would have to work on.
Michael contacted his HVAC company to plan on having the condenser disconnected and removed prior to the start of the project. Enter, O’LYN to replace the part of the roof that was causing the leaking.
4The Conclusion
The HVAC team came in and removed the condenser at the right time. The O’LYN core Roofing team then came in and began the asphalt roofing, rubber roofing and specialized copper work. The project and the teams at O’LYN, “were like a well-oiled machine” said Michael.
When the project was finished the Doore’s had their leak proof roof and turret area back. They now could relax in these areas of the home without any concerns of leaking.